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21. Oktober 2012, an der Landebahn Nord-West

Rede von John Stewart

I want to bring you greetings from right across Europe . Aviation campaigners in every country salute your achievement.

Your protests have continued for one whole year. It is a magnificent achievement. It is an historic achievement. Never before have protests continued for so long after a runway has been opened.

And make no mistake about it: the aviation industry across the world has noticed what is happening. When I go to meetings with the industry in London or Brussels they talk about the Frankfurt protests.

And you are not alone. In the last two or three years the aviation industry in Europe has suffered more defeats than in the previous 20 or 30 years put together. Plans for a third runway in Munich have been defeated. Plans for two new runways in Italy – at Siena and Viterbo – have been defeated. And plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport in London have been defeated. All as a result of public protest.

Wherever in Europe airports try to expand, they meet public opposition. In Berlin , in Munich , in Vienna , in the French city of Nantes . My friends, this must give you hope: you are not alone.

And this expansion is not necessary at any of these airports. 45% of all air journeys within Europe are 500 kilometres or less in length. Many of these trips could and should be transferred to rail. As campaigners across Europe we need to come together to call for a virtual end to short-distance flights. And for a ban on night flights. The economy of Europe will not collapse if we have no night flights!

We have solutions which can reduce the number of planes using our airports, which can cut the constant noise experienced by residents, and which can reduce the climate change emissions which are threatening our planet.

The aviation industry does not have the answers. We can be on the winning side. You can be on the winning side. I wish you every success.

"Die Landebahn muß weg" (Johns Schlußwort auf Deutsch)

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